Why agencies should separate Production and Account Management

Mar 21, 2024

Let’s address a fundamental aspect that can significantly impact the efficiency and success of your digital agency – the distinction between PRODUCTION and MANAGEMENT. 

I've witnessed numerous agencies make a crucial fumble by tasking their skilled professionals with roles they aren't inherently equipped for. 


Let's delve into why separating account management from production is essential and how it can transform the dynamics of your agency overnight.


If you want the quick and dirty 3-minute version of this, check out my 3-minute ops tips video on how you can Boost Efficiency in your Agency



The Pitfall of Blurring Lines

It's not uncommon for digital agencies to assign tasks beyond their team members' core competencies. 

Asking a web developer, SEO specialist, or UX designer to manage projects might sound appealing, but it often leads to challenges

The key lies in recognizing the need to separate account management – dealing with relationships and project communication – from the actual production, i.e., the technical execution of your deliverables.


The Need for Clear Lines

Clear lines between these two functions are instrumental in ensuring team members stay in their respective lanes, focusing on what they excel at. 


Expecting someone with a native skill set in web development, for instance, to suddenly manage a team of developers can be counterproductive. 

The skills required for management are distinct, and conflating the two can lead to confusion, frustration, and a dip in productivity.


Universal Principles for Success

While the roles of production and management differ, there are universal principles that apply to both:

  • Time-Bound Deliverables: Establish clear timelines for both project management and production tasks. Regular check-ins and deadline reminders help maintain a structured workflow.

  • Defined Processes: Universally define how both departments work together. Clearly outline what the management team needs from clients to facilitate seamless production. This clarity eliminates unnecessary back-and-forths that can disrupt the workflow.


Collaboration, Not Conflation

Understanding that both departments contribute uniquely to your agency's success is vital. 

Instead of expecting developers or specialists to become project managers, foster collaboration. 


Recognize the importance of each role and how they complement one another in driving the agency forward.


If you found these insights helpful, I'd love to hear your thoughts. DM me on Instagram and share what resonated with you the most.


In the ever-evolving landscape of digital agencies, navigating the delicate balance between production and management is a game-changer. 


Embrace the uniqueness of each role, foster collaboration, and set clear expectations. 

Stay tuned for more quick and practical operational tips. Until next time!