Are the holidays getting the best of you this year?

Mar 21, 2024

Hey there, everyone! It's that time of the year again, and if you're feeling the holiday overwhelm, you're not alone. 

Juggling promotions, family trips, and the myriad of festive responsibilities can leave you feeling like you're trying to keep too many balls in the air. 

I get it, and I'm here to help. 

Let's break down some tips to navigate this season without losing your sanity.

If you want the quick and dirty 3-minute version of this, check out my 3-minute ops tips video on how to overcome holiday season overwhelm



Acknowledge You're Not Alone


First and foremost, I want you to know that if you're feeling the pressure, you're not alone. 

The holiday season, while magical, can be one of the most challenging times, especially for parents. 


Balancing work, family, and the festive chaos can be overwhelming. 

But guess what? We've all been there, and you're doing great!


Prioritize the Non-Negotiables


Reflect on what is absolutely non-negotiable for you during this time. 


Consider your health, family relationships, and personal well-being. 

Are you spending quality, uninterrupted time with your kids? 


Are you taking care of your health? 

It's easy to let boundaries slide during the holidays, but identifying non-negotiables helps you maintain balance.


Learn from Last Year


Remembering challenging times from the past, like my family's experience last year, can provide valuable lessons. 

If you needed the entire month of January to recalibrate, it's okay. 

Reflect on what worked and what didn't. 

Identify areas where you might have let boundaries slip and prioritize differently this year.


Eliminate What Doesn't Serve You


This holiday, be ruthless in eliminating things that don't serve you. 

Say no to excess holiday parties or activities that compromise your well-being. 

Sometimes, saying no allows you to say a more meaningful yes to the things that truly matter, like quality time with loved ones.


Safeguard Your Routine


Amidst the holiday chaos, safeguard your routine. 

If certain activities are disrupting your routine and causing unnecessary stress, feel empowered to say no. 

Whether it's declining another holiday party or limiting trips to see Santa, preserving your routine helps maintain balance.


Focus on What Truly Matters

As we grow and build impactful businesses, what we say no to becomes more critical than what we say yes to. 


Kids, especially, just want to be with us, feeling our love and presence. 

Focus on what truly matters – the joy of being together, creating memories, and cherishing the essence of the holiday season.


Cheers to a Fantastic Holiday Season


So, here's to you, navigating the holiday hustle! 


Prioritize what matters most, eliminate the unnecessary, and safeguard your well-being. 


Remember, you're not alone, and your efforts to create a meaningful holiday for your family are truly appreciated. 


Wishing you a fantastic and joy-filled holiday season!


Stay tuned for more quick and practical operational tips. Until next time!